Online stručni skup: Heritage education in a museum context

Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu u sklopu projekta "Baština i obrazovanje odraslih" br. 2021-2-RO01-KA210-ADU-000048413, financiran iz programa Erasmus+, mala partnerstva u području obrazovanja odraslih, poziva Vas na stručni skup HERITAGE EDUCATION IN A MUSEUM CONTEXT.

Stručni skup Heritage education in a museum context održat će se online putem zoom platforme na engleskom jeziku u ponedjeljak i utorak 3. i 4. travnja 2023. od 10 d0 13 sati.



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Meeting ID: 825 9526 9127

Passcode: 180382



DAY 1 - April 3rd

10:00 Welcome remarks

10:10 Cornel-Constantin Ilie: Digital Tools for Adult Education: Outputs (Case Study - Promotion of the Activities in 2022) (National History Museum of Romania)

10:25 Ivana Ožanić Roguljić: Experimental Archaeology in the service of science popularization (The Institute of Archaeology)

10:40 Corina Borș: Public Archaeology and Large Infrastructure Projects. The Perspective of the National History Museum of Romania (National History Museum of Romania)

10:55 Zorica Babić: The Importance and Potential of Adult Education in Museums (Archaeological Museum in Zagreb)

11:10 Mihai Florea: Digital Techniques and Tools for Adult Education in a Museum Context (National History Museum of Romania)

11:25 Marius Trifu:Adult Education Activities for Beneficiaries With Fewer Opportunities at the Museo e Istituto Fiorenitno di Preistoria, Florence (National History Museum of Romania)

11:40 Igor Uranić: Zagreb Egyptology School (Archaeological Museum in Zagreb)

11:55 Petra Savin: Adult Education activities developed by the Regional Historical Museum of Ruse (National History Museum of Romania)

12:10 Marius Neculae: The Erasmus Plus and European Solidarity Corps projects developed at the National History Museum of Romania (National History Museum of Romania)

12:25 Testimonials: Adela Stan, Cristina Barbu and Alexandra Ene

12.45 Conclusion remarks of day one

13:00 End


DAY 2 - April 4th

10:00 Opening remarks

10:10 Jacqueline Balen, Maja Bunčić and Ana Solter: Virtual Presentation and Public - Some Examples of good practice in the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb (Archaeological Museum in Zagreb)

10:25 Andrei Grumeza: The Main Educational Programs Held at the National History Museum in Romania (National History Museum of Romania)

10:40 Katarina Ivanišin Kardum: Why Should Kids the Have All Fun? - Museum Bees as a Tool to Build a more Participatory Relationship with Adult Audiences (Technical Museum Nikola Tesla)

10:55 Cristiana Tătaru: From the Museum Storageroom to School Classroom. Online Heritage Archives Developed by the National History Museum in Romania (National History Museum of Romania)

11:10 Jelena Roboz: Making Wrong(s) Right - Adult Education in Croatian History Museum (Croatian History Museum)

11:25 Ioana Zamfir: First Years of Erasmus Plus Acreditation at the National Museum of Maps and Old Books (National Museum of Maps and Old Books)

11:40 Jesenka Ricl: Advantages and challenges of strategic partnerships - the experience of the Museum of Slavonia (Museum of Slavonia)

11:55 Roxana Pătrașcu: My Job Shadowing experience in Florence (National History Museum of Romania)

12:10 Borna Haim:Heritage Education in a Museum Context – a Volunteer's Experience

12:25 Testimonials: Sayda Sahbaz, Nursena Ogru and Flavius Roaită

12.40 Conclusion of online meeting

13:00 End

Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu i Nacionalni povijesni muzej Rumunjske provode projekt „Baština i obrazovanje odraslih” (The Heritage and Adult Education - (HAEd), br. 2021-2-RO01-KA210-ADU-000048413, financiran iz programa Erasmus+, mala partnerstva u području obrazovanja odraslih, u iznosu od 30.000 eura, od 1. ožujka 2022. do 30. travnja 2023.


Arheološkom muzeju u Zagrebu, stradalom u potresu 22. ožujka 2020. godine, potrebna je Vaša pomoć. Donirajte ovdje